Hey again everyone, I realize it's October, but here's the update from the rest of the summer. We went camping a couple times in the pop up. Neither went very smoothly, but a fun time was had by all. Natalie discovered that she loves baked beans and will eat them until she is sick. Good to know. We went up to the Leja's cottage for Memorial day. Jodi was the grill master and as usual there was enough food to feed a small army. We relaxed, played in the water and on the beach. It was beautiful.
So far this fall we have...pretty much not done anything noteworthy. As mentioned before Ryan went away on business to Pittsburgh for the longest 9 days ever. Natalie had her first experience with and oxygen mask at our trip to the med center when she had RSV. And lastly, I've been working on this whole baby thing and have now finished the first trimester. I feel soooo much better but am finding this pregnancy thing really rough while chasing a one-year-old. I nap when I can and whine a lot :) I've got to milk this pregnancy because it is probably our last. I think it's a boy. I'm going to do one of those poll things (if I can figure it out) and see what you all think! Till next time...