As I sit here trying to comb dried banana out of my darling daughters hair (remnants of breakfast) I am trying to think of a smart response for Jeff's last comment on my blog. Alas, I have nothing, because it is somewhat true! So here we go.
As you can see above Natalie was a ladybug for Halloween. The costume cracked us up because it was a little big in the head area and every time she turned aforesaid part the costume would stay still and her little face would disappear. So she had to walk around like Dr. Evil. Needless to say, it did not crack her up. It also didn't slow her down, she is in constant motion. She is a walking machine these days (it only took her until she was 14 months old but hey, they can't all be honor roll students). She did a little trick-or-treating with Dada and we enjoyed the candy greatly.
Last weekend Marcie and I took each other's family pictures downtown. I've been doing a lot of pictures lately and so has Marcie so the bright idea came to try and start a little bit of a business (no worries Melissa, I doubt we'll be much competition!). If anyone can come up with a good name let me know, we are stumped.
Pregnancy wise things are going well. We find out what we are having the day before Thanksgiving! I'm as big as a house already and I have felt the baby move a couple times. It is still so amazing to me that God is "knitting together" a little person inside me.
And lastly, since my Dad likes it when I talk about the sermon from Sunday here's a little paraphrase. We learned about being a neighbor. That unlike the man in Luke 10 who asked Jesus "who is my neighbor?", maybe we should be asking ourselves "Am I a neighbor?" and what it means to be a good one. Do we really see the people next to us? Do you go any deeper with people other than "how are you?" and "fine". Pastor Brian opened with a story from the Boston Globe from 1996. It discussed how when and elderly woman in the neighborhood stopped mowing her grass they got a young boy to mow it for her. Then when her pipes burst in the winter they had the water turned off. And when the mail was piling up on the doorstep they called the police. Guess what the police found when they opened her door? "Her skeletal remains laying in a pile of garbage". The best guess is that she had been dead for four years. That is a true story folks. If we can neglect and ignore the people in the closest physical proximity to us, how much more do we do the same to the acquaintances in our lives? How deep do you run? How strong are the stereotypes you have built in your mind? What decides if I get involved or if I just pass by? These questions were slightly uncomfortable for me to answer honestly, just to myself and God. Anyway, just some food for thought. Hope everyone is well, and to hear from you all soon, I love the critiques (and criticism, by the way, no one has slammed on Kurt lately, he hasn't provided any good material, huh).