Well, sorry I haven't updated in a while but we have pretty much been doing the same old, same old. A lot of sitting on the couch and a lot of contractions. We've had two more visits to Spectrum and labor has slowed down both times, so Michael is still baking! I had an OB appointment on Thursday and the plan is to do an amniocentesis on Thursday the 20th (that is where they take a little of the amniotic fluid out and test. There are a couple proteins in the fluid that have to reach certain levels for the lungs to be considered mature). If the lungs are mature they plan on inducing Thursday afternoon or sometime Friday. I really want to make it until then so we can have a nice controlled labor and delivery (instead of the get to the hospital at 10cm and pushing like we did with Natalie. Mostly, I want an epidural this time!). Thanks again for all your thoughts, prayers, and meals. We will keep you posted on the "Michael" situation.