Another Christmas has passed us by. Natalie could really get into it this year and that made it so fun. We went to Grand Haven and spent Christmas Eve with Ryan's sister Heather and her in-laws the Hoexums after attempting to go to our Christmas Eve service at church. We pretty much sat in the back and continually fed the kids snacks. Christmas morning was so fun opening presents in our jammies. Natalie had a blast and loved her pat pat Rocket from the Little Einsteins. Michael loved to eat the paper. Maybe we'll see a little more excitement from him next year! My parents came for brunch and we played with the kids and watched classics like "The Christmas Story", "Elf" and "The Polar Express". So maybe the first two aren't really classics, but we love to watch them every year. I guess that makes them Telman classics. After a nap in the afternoon Roo had her first experience decorating Christmas cookies. She had so much fun. He method was to get as much sugar as possible on each cookie and then clean up by licking every inch of her hands. Needless to say, Natalie has her own special plate of cookies, the rest of us have our own! She still is singing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus every time she sees Christmas decorations. I think she'll be really bummed when all the lights are gone.
Well Hello everyone. What a Fall and early Winter we have had at the Telman household. Since my last post Michael was dedicated at Front Line. Natalie developed a weird knee infection and didn't walk for like four days (we got to spend a lovely day at Butterworth's Radiology department). That is all resolved and she has no problems running around like the little mad woman that she is. I found a lump, and had surgery to have it removed last Friday. The surgeon is confident it is not cancer (praise God!). My Grandmother (my Mom's Mom) passed away at the age of 89. She was a strong Christian woman and is in heaven with Grandpa and Jesus (also a praise God! even in our sadness). Then to top it all off I was having some issues with some muscle twitching. Two neurologists, an MRI, an MRA, an EEG, and two sleep studies later I just got the phone call and I am officially a Narcoleptic. Honestly, I think it is kind of funny. The sleep specialist thinks I have probably been developing symptoms for the past 15 years but the pregnancies pushed it into the full-blown disease. I start medication tomorrow and have been told it is a miracle drug. He told me it will be life changing! So there you have it.
Natalie and Michael continue to be a joy and amaze me every day. Ryan and I are doing well and can't wait for our Christmas with the two little ones. There is something about small children at Christmas that makes the Christmas spirit fill our house! In an effort not to focus on the commercial side of things we told Natalie that Christmas was Jesus' birthday. Now, every time she sees Christmas lights she yells "Christmas, Jesus' birthday!" and quite often follows it with a 2 year old's version of "Happy Birthday", she's so darn cute. Michael is sitting and getting on all fours and rocking. He is working on cutting his eighth tooth and is an eating (and pooping) machine, watch out! He still is just a little thing, I can't wait for his 9 month appointment in early January to see where he falls! Merry Christmas everybody.