"You gotta mash it up real good!"
What a rainy day! I'm not complaining, I was getting sick of seeing everything so brown. So, I thought why not update the blog? That and Jessica asked me to a couple times! I'll give you a quick summary of our summer since the last update, the pictures kind of go in order. At the end of July, Ryan and I celebrated our 4th anniversary and 5 days later Roo celebrated her 2nd birthday! She had a ton of fun and even learned to sing "Happy Birthday" (one of the cutest things I have ever seen the girl do, I'll have to try and get it on video). We went up to the Leja cottage on Lake Michigan for Labor Day and the weather was fantastic. I think Ryan and Natalie were at the beach for 3 hours straight! We also have had someone sick in our house for about the past month, we just keep taking turns. Except the kids, they both got sick and once and I felt very torn, it was the first time Natalie has showed any sibling rivalry with her brother.
The last of the pictures are from the Children's Museum today. We had never been there so Ryan came up with the idea to give it a try. We went with Brooke, Charlie and Addie (our last outing sans a newborn, Brooke is the cutest way-pregnant girl ever!). The girl's had a blast and went crazy for about an hour and a half. Then Natalie crashed and was asking to go home. Other than that we are happy and all healthy at the same time here. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I turned 30 (I have to practice saying that, I've been saying I'm 22 for so long!). Ryan surprised me with flowers, a Tom-Tom for my car and a charm for my bracelet and then dinner at San Chez with friends. It was perfect!
The life story of our family.