Those pictures right there are what spring means to me. I wait impatiently for them. I don't rely on a ground hog to tell me when spring will arrive. And when I finally see them, I have to catch my breath, then release it in a whispered praise. Those tender little crocus shoots start poking out while there is still snow on the ground. By all rights, the ground should still be dead. But there they are, showing me that God has fulfilled His promise once again. The seasons have changed by His command and He is bringing new life after a season of cold. I have seen many amazing things in nature; the Grand Canyon, Pikes Peak, and clear blue oceans with white sandy beaches to name a few. But none of them speak as loudly to me of my Creator than that little tiny flower.
As many of you know, my family has been going through a season of winter. It has been a long hard past year and a half. Mostly, everything has been resolved and we praise God for providing us with His comfort and care. (Just an update, Michael saw the cardiologist today and his periodic blue hands, feet, and lips are OK for him and will require no further testing or treatment!). For those of you who have been so faithful to us, know that we saw Jesus in each of you. We are ready to be done with our "winter" and have been watching and waiting impatiently for the "spring". And then I realized, it is already here. It was buried just beneath the snow like the crocus shoot. Our spirits weren't dead, they were just tired. But He never gives us more than we can handle with His grace. What an awesome thing to know (let me repeat that, what an awesome thing to KNOW). I know that my God will provide. No matter what they are saying on Fox News, or CNN, His grace is sufficient. I know my God is unchanging, and all the beautiful truths that I have already seen will be the same tomorrow as they were in the past, and as they were today!
I think a huge part of me is waiting for Easter. I have never had such a connection with this season. I have never felt it take root so deeply into my heart and my head. Jesus rose from the grave for me. He took on all my sins so that I could stand in front of the Father. He loves me that much. I don't have to do anything to earn that love, it just is, and it doesn't change. And as much love as He has for me, he has for the next person. He took the time to create us , to "knit us together in our mother's womb", and He is a God of detail. He knows us from our skin cells down to the very dark places in our hearts that we don't want anyone to see. And yet, I am created in His image! Jesus covered me so that when the Father looks at me He sees all the wonderful and beautiful reflections of His Son. And then He sees all the wonderful and beautiful things that He created in ME!
I know this is getting long (or got there a long time ago), but one last thought. Upon reading through the story of the betrayal, trial, crucifixion, and Resurrection a thought struck me. How grateful must Simon of Cyrene have been. He had the privilege of carrying the cross for Jesus. I know that thought sounds odd, but stick with me. Jesus had to fulfill scripture. He had to go through the horrors of that day. Simon got to take on just a little of that pain for Jesus. He got to physically serve Jesus as no other human ever has.Would you want to carry the cross for Jesus? Or would you rather stay in the crowd? I wonder if Simon knew that Jesus was the Son of God, or if he thought Jesus was just a criminal going to the cross. I hope he knew. I hope he treasured that horrible memory because it was his brush with the divine. I know there are a million ways to serve Jesus, but Simon of Cyrene's experience touched my heart this year. What does Easter and spring mean to you?