Friday, December 28, 2007

Sorry Jeff....

What a month December has been! We've had Christmas celebrations, bed rest, and a trip to Florida. Sanibel was wonderful, as you can probably tell from the above pictures. The ones of the resort pool and the sunset were taken off the balcony to our room. We left early on Thursday Dec. 16 (like the flight left at 5:30am, do the math on what time we got up, can you say slightly cranky pregnant woman!) and flew back on Sunday afternoon. Roo stayed with friends and family and had a great time (my friend who watched her, Brooke, didn't have as much fun since the latest Natalie slept in for her was 6am). We pretty much lounged by the pool and floated in the pool for the whole time we were there. We had dinners with Huntington for two of the nights and Ryan had a business meeting from 7:30am-12 on one of the days. Other than that we were on our own. We slept in, as long as we wanted, both at the same time. It was the best gift ever. I told Ryan at one point when I was a big floating blog in the pool he could return all my Christmas presents, I wasn't leaving the pool. It was really interesting seeing Florida decorated for Christmas. I've never been there before the holiday and couldn't get over seeing houses decked out in lights and the HUGE tree in the hotel lobby! Overall a great experience thank you Huntington and my hard working hubby!
Let's see what else is going on? I am officially off work until after little man Michael is born. I just couldn't stop contracting and having a ton of pain. Being off my feet has helped. I fear a big jump into depression after the holidays though. Now there's stuff going on every few days and things to look forward to, I'm not sure what my attitude will be like in February! My sister-in-law Marcie made a good point the other day when I was complaining about my lack of activity. She told me to think about how I get to spend all this undivided time with Natalie before her little brother gets here. Think of how many Mom's would love to not have to focus on house work and all the other odds and ends of life and just play with their kiddo all day! My little girl defiantly is a huge bright spot! Jeff, I promise to post some really unflattering photos of myself with my ginormous belly soon!

1 comment:

L-Town Rollers said...

I'm just saying, but black shirts and white bras don't like flashes. You're shirt is totally see through. :-)

Sounds like a great trip! I'm off to Arizona in Jan for 6 days, but mine is for school so I won't be able to lounge as much, blah.

I didn't really care to be unemployed for so long and was bored out of my mind, but I but I can't tell you how wonderful that time really was with Gabe. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Thanks for the update and the peep show.