KT - After much apprehension and a few tears, I left our daughter in excellent care and went on vacation. She hit a big milestone about a day before we left, she started to crawl. Granted she looked like a drunken sailor (her top half went forward, her bottom half went sideways), but it was crawling! We spent 5 days in Fort Lauderdale at the Harbor Beach Marriott. Our room was phenomenal, it was as suite! The sign on the door said the suggested retail was $4,000 a night! And, it's hard to cry the whole time when you are sitting at the pool sipping fru-fru drinks and then going to the spa for a pedicure, manicure and hour long massage. We really roughed it. Ryan played poker by the pool for about three days straight, you should see his deep, dark tan! We spent most of our time with two other couples (Susanne and Dennis Dahl and Rachel and Steve Miller) and a set of "just friends"(Mike and Ashley - I won't even venture on how to spell their last names). Other than lounging around, we had an awards night for the winners of the trip (they represented the top 7% of Huntington employees!) that ended with a dinner cruise on a huge yatch down the Intercostal. Ryan and I picked out a few possibilities for our future summer home! We also went into Hollywood for dinner one night and then to the Hard Rock casino. That was my first excperience with slot machines, probably my last! We were up about $20, but lost it all and $20 more in the last 45 minutes. Lesson learned. We flew back on Sunday and got to spend the evening with our little girl, I couldn't get through the door fast enough to squeeze her!