KT - Well, Natalie's first Easter was blessing. She was sunshine all day. Just looking at my perfect little girl makes my heart break for Mary. Can you imagine seeing your child nailed to a cross? Why was Mary chosen to bear the exceptional pain of being the mother of Christ? Because she also was exceptionally blessed to be His mother. I was in awe when I saw Natalie's face light up with a smile for the first time. Mary saw her son turn water into wine and heal the sick! She had a bond with Christ no one will ever experience. I thank God daily for the gift he has given me in my little girl. I'm sure Mary felt the same way about Jesus, even as she watched him suffer and die FOR US. We had so much fun with Easter baskets and family dinner, but the most amazing gift is that HE IS RISEN!
Great Picture! Such a cutie. Thanks also for your thoughts on Mary and Jesus. I haven't throught about her perspective too much and appreciated hearing a mother's perspective on it :)
You'll be finding that purple grass all over the house for months.
Sarah says: "Natalie is so cute and I can't wait to see you all in June!"
She couldn't think of anything to say about Kurt. :)
Hey, what was the name of that book you used to get Natalie to sleep through the night?
The Baby Whisperer is the name of the book. We kind of modified some of the techniques. Give me a call if you want to hear more.
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