I hate to admit this, but I got an idea from a morning talk show (it was either the Today show or Ellen, I can't remember). A woman was being interviewed because she had lost a ton of weight and had made a web site about it. She had friends and family sponsor her weight loss. What a great idea! People signed up for certain pound increments and when she reached that number they had to fulfill their pledge. One of her friends shaved his head! She said it helped to have not only the support of her friends and family, but also the accountability.
So, in my quest to be genuine on my blogs, I will admit that I need to loose 50 pounds. This is so embarrassing for me to admit. How in the world did I get this far down this road? I realize I was pregnant twice in the past couple years, but those babies didn't weigh that much! I am so motivated to do this because we are 99% sure that Michael is our last child and I never want my kids to remember me being over-weight. I can't run yet (my back got pretty screwed up during this last pregnancy) so part of me wants to just say I'll get healthy when I can start running again. This won't work, this is the thought process that got me into this mess, you know it, the "I'll start that tomorrow".
I am asking all of you to support me as I get healthy. I'm hoping just five of you come up with a creative idea and pledge to fulfill it at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 pounds lost. If more than five want to, I'll change it to five pound increments. Just think, Jeff and Sarah could pledge to move back to Michigan (I can always hope). Someone could shave their head (I'm voting for Kurt, can't you just picture him bald, makes me laugh hysterically). A wealthy stranger could read this and send Ryan and I on a cruise, who knows! I have started walking quite a bit and the changing my diet portion started today. I can't wait to read your pledges!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Roo Get's Her Own Place

We got this too cute play house for our deck so Natalie could be "outside" even when Mommy is taking care of Michael. Unfortunately, we put it up over a week ago and she has spent those days in between with her forehead pressed to the slider crying "house" as it rained. I'm pretty sure she would sleep in there if we let her. Ryan found out that he is a sucker for a cute little blondie when she pulled him in there the first day it was up and he sat hunched over until her couldn't take it anymore. I'm apparently not as big of a sucker, I sit in a deck chair!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Happy Family

We are adjusting to life as a family of four much more smoothly than expected. I'm pretty sure Michael is a little angel sent to us, he is such a good baby. He's already slept through the night a couple nights in a row now! Natalie loves to kiss him and "hold" him. She sits in my lap and I put him in hers and she just stares at him. Her newest sentences are "he cry" and "he happy" which pretty much sums up the extent of his emotions right now. The little guy won't stay little for long, he eats about every two hours during the day. We had his two week appointment last Friday and he had gained 12 ounces since his discharge weight from the hospital. It may not sound like much, but if you only started at 6#7oz it is a considerable jump. Well, my little man's eyes are open so I'm gonna go shake a rattle at him, or start him on his multiplication tables, we'll see how ambitious I get!
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