We got this too cute play house for our deck so Natalie could be "outside" even when Mommy is taking care of Michael. Unfortunately, we put it up over a week ago and she has spent those days in between with her forehead pressed to the slider crying "house" as it rained. I'm pretty sure she would sleep in there if we let her. Ryan found out that he is a sucker for a cute little blondie when she pulled him in there the first day it was up and he sat hunched over until her couldn't take it anymore. I'm apparently not as big of a sucker, I sit in a deck chair!
Well it's about time she stopped mooching and moved out! :-)
Has she found the doorbell yet or did daddy "forget" to put in the batteries?
Good to see some grass in the background. I was starting to feel bad that it's been in the 60's and 70's here.
She's such a cutie! You guys have such a cute little family! Can't wait to see you guys again...hopefully this summer! Give little Michael a kiss for us!
I hope she doesn't try and get me to go on in there with her... just keep her away from the power tools
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