We are adjusting to life as a family of four much more smoothly than expected. I'm pretty sure Michael is a little angel sent to us, he is such a good baby. He's already slept through the night a couple nights in a row now! Natalie loves to kiss him and "hold" him. She sits in my lap and I put him in hers and she just stares at him. Her newest sentences are "he cry" and "he happy" which pretty much sums up the extent of his emotions right now. The little guy won't stay little for long, he eats about every two hours during the day. We had his two week appointment last Friday and he had gained 12 ounces since his discharge weight from the hospital. It may not sound like much, but if you only started at 6#7oz it is a considerable jump. Well, my little man's eyes are open so I'm gonna go shake a rattle at him, or start him on his multiplication tables, we'll see how ambitious I get!
Oh, Kara! He is so precious and sweet! I just wanted to kiss my computer monitor!! LOL What a little blessing...a tiny glimpse of heaven! :)So glad things are going well!
so sweet!! thanks for the updated pics!! i am so happy to hear he has been such a great baby for you!!! you let us know when your up for it...but all of us girls need to get together again!
he's precious! glad it's going well. can't wait to get together again.
What a sweet baby boy!!! Soooooo precious! Sounds like things are going great! We're so glad for you guys! We're hoping to plan a trip for the summer to good ol' Michigan. Can't wait to meet the new addition!
Lol, looking at the other comments I was planning on saying the same thing :) Thanks for sharing, Kara. Wish we could see the little guy in person.
He has great hands to become a great shooter ;)
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