Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Fresh Start

I hate to admit this, but I got an idea from a morning talk show (it was either the Today show or Ellen, I can't remember). A woman was being interviewed because she had lost a ton of weight and had made a web site about it. She had friends and family sponsor her weight loss. What a great idea! People signed up for certain pound increments and when she reached that number they had to fulfill their pledge. One of her friends shaved his head! She said it helped to have not only the support of her friends and family, but also the accountability.

So, in my quest to be genuine on my blogs, I will admit that I need to loose 50 pounds. This is so embarrassing for me to admit. How in the world did I get this far down this road? I realize I was pregnant twice in the past couple years, but those babies didn't weigh that much! I am so motivated to do this because we are 99% sure that Michael is our last child and I never want my kids to remember me being over-weight. I can't run yet (my back got pretty screwed up during this last pregnancy) so part of me wants to just say I'll get healthy when I can start running again. This won't work, this is the thought process that got me into this mess, you know it, the "I'll start that tomorrow".

I am asking all of you to support me as I get healthy. I'm hoping just five of you come up with a creative idea and pledge to fulfill it at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 pounds lost. If more than five want to, I'll change it to five pound increments. Just think, Jeff and Sarah could pledge to move back to Michigan (I can always hope). Someone could shave their head (I'm voting for Kurt, can't you just picture him bald, makes me laugh hysterically). A wealthy stranger could read this and send Ryan and I on a cruise, who knows! I have started walking quite a bit and the changing my diet portion started today. I can't wait to read your pledges!


Jessica Brown said...

kara, thanks for being so real on this blog. i'm totally up for doing something fun, but will need some time to cook it up. what can i do that you like? something crafty? (i'm in!).

... and since my pants don't fit so well these days, i need to get back on a weight loss plan myself. if i lose 10 or 15 what will YOU do? :) :)

jt said...

Dear Kara,

Wow--what can I do. I will finish the curtains---LOL would do that anyway. I will pledge 10.00 for every pound you lose and I will put shelves in your garage--with your permission, when you reach 50 lbs--if this is what you want. I love the way you evaluate your life and set plans. Everyone needs to be like this.

love mom

Jessica Brown said...

check out the ada bible sermon (either on their website or itunes) called How We Grow: Self-Control, Perseverance, and Godliness from 2/24. so good, and super appropriate for what you're working on.

wendy said...

Hey Kara!

I'm so proud of you for sharing this goal with others. I, too have been on a "better, healthier me" journey through the past few years. It really helps to have your friend's and family's encouragement and support along the way.

I believe in you and I know you can achieve your goal. So much so that I'll shave my head.....ha, ha, just kidding...I'm pretty sure I'd be husband-less if I did that!!! But I will gladly donate a new color and fresh cut when you reach your goal! How's that for motivation?

You CAN do it!!! Do it, girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Kara, we are 100% ready to support you and feel very proud of you for taking this initiative. Jim and I are going to offer a Gift Certificate to the Mall so you can buy new cloth when your are half way towards your goal (25#)and when you reach your total goal we are willing to babysit Natalie and Michael for an entire weekend, so you and Ryan can go in a minivacation to show off your new sexy figure (if you trust us enough to leave your kids with us...). Go girl!!!!! Love, Blanca Mama and Jim

the buurstra's said...

YES! You can TOTALLY do this. And I'm behind you 100%. Actually, I might like to even be beside you every once in a while...I'd like to start running again. So when you're ready...I'll be ready.

We'll pledge to take you and Ryan out to San Chez...mmmm...Sangria!! That's the most creative thing I could think of at this point. Put me down for something, we'll definitely be rooting for you!!

Oh, and by the way...99% sure??!! ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm training to run the 1/2 marathon in GR on October 19. Set one of your goals for that day and we'll do something cool to celebrate :)
P.S. In support of your efforts, I won't cook you any more meals.
P.P.S. I dropped a few pounds during lent by not snacking in the evening.

The Dusendang Family said...

I am reading this after I ate yet another piece of birthday cake! Ugh! The weight battle...I, too, have that wonderful baby weight still to shed. You have motivated me to start eating better! LOL I know if I stop eating after 9pm that probably would help, considering that is when I do all of my eating!! Don't know if you're a night owl, too, but maybe that would help. Just wait until Michael can run around...then the pounds will come off chasing 2 kids! LOL I pledge to stop eating at night and be an encouragement to you! And how 'bout a day at the pool with all the watermelon you can eat!! LOL Let me know!

wendy said...

Good morning Kara :-) Just wanted you to know that you motivated me to get my butt in the gym this morning. So, thanks!

Unknown said...

Good for you girl! thanks for your honesty!!! lets walk with our strollers everyonce in a while (then Weston & Micheal can get to know eachother better!) :)
i'm cheering you on!!

Melissa Vannest said...

Good idea Kara! I'll pledge free babysitting at 15 lbs (maybe it will dissuade Nathan's idea of having 4 kids)

Anonymous said...

Here is my pledge

A girls weekend in Grand Haven at your half way point. Long walks on the beach, watching the sunset, and sleeping in. We can evey do our toes and nails. It will be a fun get away. Besides I miss my old roomate.

I know you can do it!!!

L-Town Rollers said...

Here it is, the pledge you've been waiting for:


What's that Sar? Apparently only Jeffrey will be moving back.

So in the interest of family unity I will instead pledge 2 free tickets to BOTH nights of the NABA Sanctioned Bull Riding Blowout (a $40 value) on June 14th and 15th after you lose 5 pounds.

Sure you have to get out here, but I miss you guys and you know you want to watch me ride a Budweiser Clydesdale in my sandals...again. I'll even throw in a couple buttons!

Plus we have a room just for you in our house. Plenty of room for multiple cribs and such.

Erika said...

You are an amazing woman, Kara. I have to say. I'll have to think about what I could pledge right now... God bless, my friend. I have no doubt you can do it.